Ezra & Copper
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Ian CainLOL ! get him a bigger pony you jerk =)
25 April 2012 15:30
25 April 2012 12:00
The Beak (Turtle boulder, Shantytown area, the Minefield)
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Greg Millerneed some beta on the Minefield, is it above the Lilly Boulders?
25 April 2012 12:56
Erik Andelmanhaha, to get there you have to pass through the bermuda triangle!
25 April 2012 13:23
Erik AndelmanSeriously though, I will give you parking beta - give me a call. Access is cool but sensitive, and everyone who goes should call me first as there are some no-no's that could easily end it all. 423-215-2486
25 April 2012 13:24
Greg MillerOK, we may head up there this weekend.
25 April 2012 13:41
25 April 2012 12:00
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25 April 2012 12:00
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25 April 2012 12:00
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25 April 2012 12:01